March 9, 2009

New Discoveries from Berlin

We ran across the fantastically talented and broody 22 year old artist Haikal Noyes from Berlin the other day, and instantly fell in love with his work. He's currently doing a 360 photo project, posting a new hot photo every day, which means another great reason to get your ass out of bed every morning. Take a peek through his blog and see for yourself. He usually writes a small but interesting quote with each photo, giving us a little bit of insight into what he's thinking with each piece. Who knows, you may even give up caffein in the mornings and replace it with his daily photo to get your heart pumping.

Heres a  short bit from his bio:

"365 days. 365 pictures with me being the model. 365 pictures with me being the photographer. i'm trying to create some asthetic, a little bit erotic, slightly porn. please comment and let me know what you want to see and please spread the word. thank you :)"

We just got an inappropriate office boner when we saw the :) at the end of his bio, is that wrong....? Below are a few more of our favorites from his collection of dailies. 


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