This weird but sunny Wednesday, or as we like to call it here in the office, "hump everything day" we have quite the treat in store for you. With an artist name like Crackerfarm , you know its going to be good fuckin shit right off the bat, and boy were we right. This photography genius caught our eye with their unique and creepy esthetic thats right out of a mid-west horror movie. Drenched in disturbing and mysterious imagery and the grittiness of a suburban carnival punk freak show, this work captures a very unique subculture deep in the underbelly of society. There is an interesting underlying sexuality to some of their work that we found deeply fascinating and slightly erotic (why is it that guys in animal masks gets us all worked up....maybe we don't want to know). Their work never fails to stir up controversy and it forces you into a place far from where most of us reside comfortably. Its hard, raw, and isn't afraid to shove it in without lube, just how we like it.
Here is a few reviews of their work that we think describe their style better than we could (hey, we tried didn't we...):
Just when you thought they couldn't get any more amazing, ta da....they just fuckin did. They also have an amazing line up of bands and music artists they photograph, and their portfolio reads like an wet dream of aural pleasures. Heres just a few of the many :
Regina Spektor
Bloc Party
Sonic Youth
The Yeah Yeah Yeah's
Neko Case
The Fray
Jay Brannan
Girl Talk
Hot Chip
Tegan and Sarah
The Shins
Patrick Wolf
The Klaxons
Check out their web site to see some of the great photos of the above musical artists, plus a shit load more of amazing bands as well. Happy viewing.