May 11, 2009
Fuck You Monday; or Serbian Morning Hard On's
Fuck You Monday! What could be a better way to start off the week than to feature a local and amazingly hot photography work of Drasco Bogdanovic . This hot little Serbian born Torontonian is heating things up in the art scene with his sexy nude photographs of local Toronto guys, and boy has he got our naughty bits tingling. He had us drooling at "Local", and then stole our hearts with "naked". His models are a mix of mo's and ro's but we aren't going to ruin the fun for you. Half the fun is not knowing, right?
We knew we would get along with him just fantastically, and when we met up last week for a little martini and a chat, it was love. He speaks about his work with a passion and intensity that we found refreshing and clear. There was no "artist/god" complex to deal with, no "I create art therefor I am amazingly better than you, please lick my ass" sort of pretentiousness (although, we like a good punch to the face once in a while, snotty stuck up attitude is such a turn off). He was down to earth, grounded, and plain and simple sexy (easy boys, this one is taken, and yes we asked....). His work is the same, reflecting his true personality into his photographs. There is no pretentiousness in his work, and that sort of simplicity to us is pure bliss.
His work has been featured in quite a few exhibits and magazines including Nuit Blanche last year, and we couldn't be happier that he will be doing a set of exclusive photos for the upcoming premier edition of the printed BLEW Magazine. He currently has a show in the Contact Photography Festival , titled This:Has:Been, which you all should check out. I hear its a great place to pick up art and boys (what a great combo). Heres the deets:
Blueprint Gallery
263 Adelaide St West, Suite 204, Toronto M5H 1Y2
Wheelchair access
Mon – Fri 10am – 6pm
T 416 217 0123
W venue website
W exhibition website
He covers a wide variety of photography subjects, including nudes, urban architecture, places and celebrities. His other work is well worth checking out for its soft and mesmerizing beauty.
The two guys featured on BLEW today are both local and hot, so keep your eyes peeled for them wandering around the city, and if you want to be photographed by him, he is always looking for models. Check out his web site and get in contact with him. Who knows, you may end up on a gallery wall some day, and what a better personal add than a large sexy photo of you hanging on a wall. He also has recently started doing the by-weekly (not bi weekly)"Fab guy" photography section in Fab Magazine. If you get a tap on your shoulder standing in line at Pusateri's by a tall sexy Serbian, it may just be him scouting you out for the next Fab guy.
Heres a little more info about him that made us fall even more in love with him:
"Serbian-Canadian artist Drasko Bogdanovic was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia in 1977. An early fascination with the Hollywood magazines and black & white photography of the distant West instilled an early glamorous aesthetic and a constant desire to juxtapose Classical posture with natural light, especially in his later nudes. A classically trained musician and self taught painter, Drasko picked up a camera soon after emigrating to Canada as a means to capture images that he might later portray on canvas. Even his early work on this medium made attempts to develop a graphic aesthetic that he would only recognize and realize some years later when he turned to photography exclusively. Today his landscape and architecture photography capture cities’ geometry and abstractions and provocative nude and erotic photography continues to drive this bright young arrival to the Canadian Art scene to push his machine, medium, techniques, models and materials to new limits. His name and images are in the top rankings of search engine results of the nude photography and erotic art genres; his photography has appeared in domestic newspapers and magazines and he exhibited locally and internationally. "
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