June 17, 2009


Introducing Orland
by Drasko Bogdanovic

Idle hands are the work of the devil, or so we were told by my mom, and yet, we still find time to get up to no good dirty trouble. 
A couple of weeks ago, Drasko Bogdanovic (our amazingly talented photofriend) and the boys over here at BLEW, got together with the quirky and adorable model Orland for a photo shoot early in the wee hours of the morning (before noon). We have been sitting on this little gem (not literally, although we kind of wish), getting all of the editing done and humming and hawwing over which ones to use. After much discussion, we have narrowed it down to a tight little package of photos that we think capture both the model, and a certain esthetic.
Drasko also has been a busy little beaver, working as the new photographer for FAB magazine doing the  FAB GUY section for the magazine, and working on his beautifully revamped web site. If you haven't checked it out already, do so, its much cleaner and easy to navigate, and the hot naked guys don't hurt the ol eyes too much either. He is going to be in an upcoming show in the US and was also just interviewed by Charmants.com of Montreal. Fantastic work Drasko!