Introducing: Luis Andrade
Here is a little bit about our very first writing contributor:
Raised in Sin CIty, and recently transplanted to The Big Apple, this saucy little boy tart has a mind to tell you his opinion. He is a Writer, and an Activist, both with capital letters, and don't you forget it. He doesn't mind stirring up shit (in more than one way) but since when was that a bad thing. One day he hopes to end world hunger, and join the millions of Beauty Queens in the fight for World Peace. Actually thats a total lie. With out world hunger we wouldn't have hot twinks, and we would hate to see what World Peace would do to his sex life...
One thing is true though, he fights for Equal Rights. He's a public speaker, and advocate for Marriage Equality in New York and he plans on doing it until all 50 states legalize Marriage. He will keep you posted on all the juicy details and Lesbian biker riots going on in NYC and beyond. Hold on to your seats homos. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
And now, on with the show (don't worry, its short):
Pride march; or Cirque du So-Gay?
by Luis Andrade
As a gay man, who wants equal rights as much the next guy, I am deeply concerned with this years Pride Parade. It marks the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. I wonder… Is it time? Is it time to put the “march” back into “pride”? We are, yet again, in a fight for Civil Rights. A fight against those that wish to oppress our humanity and strip us of certain inalienable rights. They have gained ground in the last administration, and the fight is ongoing. The lack of self-respect we are demonstrating during our Pride “Parades” is my reason for concern. It is my opinion that we make Pride events more “Civil”, instead of looking like a circus promoting lubrication and leather whips. All eyes are on us now. How can we demand respect, if we appear to have none for ourselves?
Year after year we only confirm what religious and right wing fanatics stereotype us to be. We parade in our underwear, wear our sexual gear with “pride” obviously brought on by a sense of retaliation. I understand that people want to parade their sexuality to make a stand, but our sexuality is not what defines us. Especially as a community. Neither is our sexual preference. If we allow our sexuality to define us as human beings, then we are no different than the bible thumper who spreads the “word”, waving his or her bible in the air while telling us we are all damned to burn in hell. We are not as one dimensional, ignorant nor do we lack in humanity as they do. It’s time to show them the one thing we do have in common, instead of showing them how different we are sexually. We are human, not circus freaks. We have brothers as they do. We have sisters, and lovers, and children. We have mothers, and fathers and friends who love us. We want to be husbands. We want to be wives. Grandparents. I say, this year put your pants on, and leave the chaps at home, boys. Bring your friends. Your brothers, and sisters. Bring your mother. Hold her hand in the streets of Manhattan, and show them WE TOO ARE HUMAN. WE TOO DESERVE RESPECT AND EQUALITY. Let’s do more than parade with pride this year. Ladies raise those boas. Men hold those heads up high, and this year, let us MARCH!
ReplyDeleteWe have mothers, fathers, jobs, beliefs, blah, blah, blah...
We don't come together to celebrate those aspects of our lives because no one is actively fighting to take those away. We come together at Pride because we like who we are (read: sexual beings), and no one has a right to tell us otherwise.
If you don't want to talk to god, don't go to church. If you don't want to touch dick, don't go to pride. Don't confuse the fight for our rights with our parties.